Russian Kettlebell Quick Start Kit

Transform Yourself, One Swing at a Time

Thursday, September 23

New Kettlebell Bent Press PR! - 32 Kilogram Kettlebell

Today felt like a good day to try the bent press. I've been working on the strict press for some time now and the bent press is a good way to do "same but different".

Since watching David Whitley's "Deepening Your Getup Skills DVD", I've spent the last week really practicing the movement and getting comfortable with it. It really helped and I am confident that the strict kettlebell press of the 32 kg is coming soon.

Thanks David!

Monday, September 13

Dan John's "Cardio Clean" WOD - Sep 13, 2010

Today we focused on the Cardio Clean WOD as outlined by Dan John.  There's a lot more to Dan John's training philosophy and you can learn more here.

After a light jog, a set of air squats, and some light calisthenics and Russian joint mobility drills, we prepared for the "Cardio Clean" WOD.

We went as heavy as we could, finishing the WOD in a relatively short amount of time, recovered, then moved on to grip training and mobility work.

For grip we pulled out the Captains of Crush and worked in the Trainer zone: 
  • 10 Reps Guide (each side)
  • 10 Reps Sport (each side)
  • 5 Reps Trainer (each side)
  • Max reps on the #1
Mobility work included the Hip Pry and goblet squat for time to open up the hips.

Finally, we wrapped up the workout with a short, 100 swings for time.

Nice work!