Russian Kettlebell Quick Start Kit

Transform Yourself, One Swing at a Time

Tuesday, August 31

Monday 8/30 - Improve It and Use It!

How often have you pulled out of a driveway or parking lot with your emergency brake on?

More than once?

Training with tight muscles and joints that don't get moved in the full range often enough, is like driving with the emergency brake on.  Mobility work is a great way to take that brake off the system and give yourself a chance to really train/move effectively under load.

This week we focused on a few areas before we hit the main workout:
  • Thoracic / Shoulders
  • Hips / Psoas
 Once enough time was accrued in these stretches we moved to the main set, a twelve minute AMWRAP kettlebell chain:
  • 1 KB Swing (single arm)
  • 1 KB Clean to Press
  • 1 KB Front Squat
  • 1 KB Sotts Press to Stand with bell overhead
  • stand and switch arms
The Sotts Press is NOT easy. You may have to go with a lighter bell than you normally use.

Have Fun!

Mobility Resources:

Monday, August 16

8/16 Monday - ETK!

Today's workout involved a page taken from the ETK book.  In addition to working swings, we started with 3 ladders of 3 rungs of cleans and presses.

Once the presses were complete, we played around with taming the arc and practicing the clean with more focus.

Finally we jumped into the main set and did a twelve minute AMWRAP of the following:
  • 50 kettlebell swings
  • Jog run ~150 yards

Nice work!

Thursday, August 12

8/9 Monday's KB Workout

This week's kettlebell workout we wrapped Turkish Get Ups(TGU's) with 100 kettlebell swings.  The first set of 100 was done with alternating single arm swings and was timed.  The second set, (the last one) was 100 two-handed swings.

One marker of your improved fitness is testing with 100 swings and going for time.   Do this AFTER you've had some time to devote to developing a solid swing.  If you aren't sure you have a good swing, contact an RKC, myself or another trainer, and get a good critique of your form.  Once you have the swing down, and are conditioned with your bell of choice, you are ready to test.

General recommendation for determining when to move up in a bell size is when you can easily swing 100 reps under 2:30.

In this week's workout we had two people get under 2:30, each swinging hardstyle.

This means these two people should be moving up in bell size for swings.  Where should they get their bells?  Well...  good news!  DragonDoor kettlebells are now available LOCALLY (for San Jose kettlebellers).  Stop by Park Road Fitness for more information!

Nice work people!

Monday, August 2

Monday 8/2 - Noon Kettlebell Series - Condensed Goodness

Today's Monday Kettlebell WOD is brought to you by the letter C.
  • Condensed
  • Compressed
  • Complex
15 minute AMRAP, switching arms after each set:
  • 5 lunges with bell in rack position
  • 10 kettlebell military presses
  • 15 kettlebell one-arm swings

Don't forget your GYMBOSS!!