Russian Kettlebell Quick Start Kit

Transform Yourself, One Swing at a Time

Monday, May 31

Memorial Day Workout

Memorial Day WOD

  • DROM
  • Swing Technique
  1. 100 Swings for time
  2. Recover 2 to 4 minutes
  3. 300 Swings  at 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off (30:30)
  4. Recover 2 to 4 minutes
  5. 100 Swings for time
Cool down

    Monday, May 24

    Monday Noon Kettlebell Series - Kick-off

    Today was the start of the noon kettlebell series in Campbell!

    Topics covered:
    • Swing
    • Goblet Squat
    • Clean
    • Plank (with emphasis on tension)
    Main workout:
    15 minutes as many rounds as possible: (AMRAP)
    • 10 Swings
    • 5 Goblet squats
    • 30 seconds of plank hold
    Come out and join us!


    Monday, May 3

    Keep It Simple: Eat Natural, Swing Iron

    There's very little complexity to living a lifestyle that gives you strength, power, endurance, and makes you look good!

    You only need to remember 2 things:
    How hard is that?

    Of course, there IS more to that, but it's mostly around the different ways to implement your swings and build in recovery.  The truth is that physical fitness starts with your mental approach.  Start today!

    With this simple recommendation, you can:

    Paleo Brands Delivers Food We Were Designed to Eat

    This week we've affiliated with Paleo Brands, a company dedicated to providing quality, natural food that will get you on track with how nature intended you to eat. We're proud to be supporter of this company and the product they sell. Buy a snack pack today and eat some grass fed jerky!