Russian Kettlebell Quick Start Kit

Transform Yourself, One Swing at a Time

Sunday, November 7

100 Swings for Time

Today's WOD:

100 swings for time. 

One way to get a feel for your conditioning is to see how long it takes you to get 100 swings in.

If you're around 5 minutes you might have a bell that's either too heavy and you should think about working with a lighter one for a while.

With the RKC swing, bio-mechanically speaking, the fastest the technique will allow you to swing is right around 40 swings per minute (give or take a few swings).  Which places a 100 KB swings for time right around 2:30.  If you're consistently swinging at this rate with the bell you have and you're also doing it 'hardstyle' you might want to consider moving up to a heavier bell.

I did today's WOD with a 72 pound bell and I can honestly say my hardstyle technique faded around rep 40 and the tension at the top of the swing was pretty light near the end.  Even though I got 2:32 for the 100 swings, I know there's more work to do with that bell weight.  More work with overspeed eccentrics!

Have a great rest of your weekend!


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